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Rosemary Ann Doel

Posted By Sobering Funeral Chapel On July 8, 2017 @ 9:58 am In Obituaries | 3 Comments

In Memorial

1938 ~ 2017

Rosemary Ann Doel, beloved wife of Allan Doel, passed away July 7, 2017 at the Beausejour Hospital.


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Condolences for the family of “Rosemary Ann Doel”

Condolence from Faye Stone on July 8th, 2017 12:16 pm

Alan, Mandy,Susan,Gary and families. My sincere sympathies to you at this very sad and difficult time Rosemary was a very special lady, I will always think of her as my second Mom. She will be missed

Condolence from Karen on July 12th, 2017 5:16 pm

“It takes a long time to grow an old friend”
Rosemary was both my friend and “other mother” . Thank you to the Doel family for sharing your wife, mom, grandma and great grandma for the past thirty seven years. Take comfort in the knowledge that she loved you all.

Condolence from jim Nicholson on November 14th, 2020 9:40 pm

Very sorry to hear of Rose’s passing.. Alan and Rose were a special couple .. Sorry for your loss Alan..

Article printed from Sobering Funeral Chapel & Crematorium: https://diligent-fuel.flywheelsites.com

URL to article: https://diligent-fuel.flywheelsites.com/rosemary-ann-doel/

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