Metro Pedruchny
November 8, 1917 – April 30, 2014
Ruth Pedruchny
June 19, 1926 – August 17, 2019
THE EARLY YEARS Mom was a city girl walking with a girlfriend in Winnipeg when Dad, in late April of 1949, fresh off the trapline, did a whistle to 2 beautiful ladies across the street. The attraction was immediate and marriage came just a couple months later at the end of June, and they became newlyweds for 65 years. Off they went to Pointe du Bois and up the Winnipeg River to Dad’s trapping cabin located in what is now known as Pedruchny Bay. Metro’s dad had property in Matlock so commuting from the trapper cabin to the building of a new home in Matlock began in the early 50’s in good time for the birth of their son Fred in 1952. Emilee planned her arrival for 1961 and during the years until then, Mom & Dad were true entrepreneurs. They bought some property at Winnipeg Beach and built a Marina. Dad built boats and rented them, Mom made pies and sold them. Dad put some time in with Winnipeg Hydro and Mom at Great West Life but every year a new trapping season would swing by and the comfort of guaranteed employment became secondary.
THE MIDDLE YEARS Eventually the Marina, Harbour Sales was built up enough to put on the market so that Mom & Dad could make the move to Pointe du Bois permanently and purchase Eagle Nest Lodge in 1966. So with Fred & Emilee in tow, they were off to more and bigger challanges, building a new home in Pointe and rebuilding Eagle Nest. Penny was born in 1968 and every day was maximized.
THE LATER YEARS Finally in 1975, after 10 years of operating Eagle Nest, Mom put her foot down and had Dad retire while she took on a cooking job with Winnipeg Hydro until her retirement in 1980. Dad enjoyed a working retirement maintaining the trap line and focusing on wild rice production and harvesting. After Mom retired, they made the annual drive to Palm Springs until Dad was 90. Over the years they made many valuable friendships, local and abroad. The Chulka’s, Anderson’s, and Mikolaychuk’s were regulars. Those that spent time with our parents were treated not only to potent wine and good food, they also were able to appreciate how Metro and Ruth embraced their chosen lifestyle. The enjoyment and love of nature, and all that the Winnipeg River offers, enveloped in an attitude that life is about living in a way that you are grateful for every evening spent on the couch looking at the River and sharing a glass of wine.
Thanks Mom & Dad for your guildance and leadership by example, setting the path for your future generations.
Fred & Jo-Anne, Lindsay & Mark Boychuk-Bradley/Brooke/Laurel, Jessica & Shaun Jackson – Charlee/Hank, and James & Dara Pedruchny; Emilee & Kevin – Alli; Penny Pedruchny.
Special thanks for the Lac du Bonnet Personal Care Home for their exceptional and sincere care. Please, no donations or flowers, thank you to all for your kindness.

Offer Condolence for the family of Pedruchny

Bob and Marlene Jackson
Our sincere condolences to all the Pedruchny Family. Your parents must have been an incredible couple that lived a full life!
Sincerely, Bob and Marlene Jackson