Despite his efforts of cunning and persuasion, Dad was unable to escape Beausejour Hospital.
On May 12, 2023, Mike Adey passed away peacefully surrounded by his three children and both his surviving siblings Cathy (Bim) Collinson and Lesile (K.C.) Wynne. He is reunited with his parents, Dorin (Smith) and Dr. A.B. (Bram) Adey, brothers Greg and Drew (Diane), sister Pam (Preston) McKeever, nephew Matthew, numerous close friends, and his beloved cat, “Waffles.” Mike passed quickly, consistent with his record of minimizing inconvenience to others for the 67 years since September 25th of 1955.
He was happiest at his “camp” on the bank of “The Mighty Brokenhead.” He still enjoyed braving the long Manitoba Winters by the skill of his own hand and perseverance of his own will. Bed, door, or table, he built nearly everything in his Camp during his 30 years in Bush’s Park.
Dad had an astounding number of enduring relationships. He remained committed to his children, Alison (Mike), Martin (Joanna), and Erin, as well as his nieces and nephews, friends, neighbours, and 30-year-old houseplant, Floyd.
Mike knew nearly every word of every song written by Bob Dylan or the Stones— but if people were around, you’d only catch him listening to the CBC on his tuner radio.
Mike frequently talked about his long loyal relationships with friends, neighbours, family, and colleagues. It’s clear Dad’s relationships were some of his proudest achievements, and they were formed all over the Country; Atikokan, Thunder Bay, Winnipeg, Beausejour, and the whole North Shore of Lake Superior. Mike made friends easily— from the cashiers at CO-OP to the septic technicians at Pioneer Pumping.
Mike was enjoying his retirement and was proud to be called “Pop-pop” by Leo, Charlotte, and Lowen. Despite decades of dental catastrophes, Mike maintained his love for Poppy-Cock, peanut brittle and Eatmore bars. He recently said he was the happiest he’d ever been.
Dad kept his positive attitude to the bitter end. Never one to complain or seek sympathy, even in his final days, Dad continued to laugh and refer to himself as “a picture of health.”
Mike is remembered most for his quick, unstoppable sense of humour. He had a knack for finding the perfect joke in moments of extreme tension or seriousness. You can imagine how many of these opportunities he enjoyed during his final days in hospital.
Mike didn’t take himself too seriously. Or anything else for that matter. Always willing to laugh at himself, Dad was hard to offend. Which is fortunate, as his kids have taken due liberty with his obituary. Dad had a saying for every situation, “a guy” for every job, and an off-beat nickname for every person.
Mike was never one to preach, preferring instead to lead quietly by example. He left his children with a number of important lessons:
First, “it’s just stuff.” A man of simple tastes, Mike died with a closet full of gifted sweaters with tags on them. Dad never grieved the loss of material possessions, or worried about not having enough. He knew that having it all was a state of mind.
Second, never burn a bridge, and be quick to forgive. We aren’t sure he ever forgave Peter Mansbridge for retiring, but Dad believed grudges should be “dropped like a bad habit,” and grievances shook like “water off a duck’s back.” Off and Gone.
Third, the less you expect of others, the more they’ll surprise you. Dad didn’t put expectations on people, and firmly believed that no one owed him anything. According to Dad, others should do what they want and come and go as they please. His casa was always su casa, so he hoped you’d drop by sometime, but would never hold it against you if you didn’t.
And lastly— one is never poor if one has ketchup.
Our family has been blown away by the outpouring of love and support from Mike’s neighbours and friends. Special thanks to the nurses and aids at Beausejour Health Centre for their skill and care. We’ll be forever grateful to Aunties Cathy and Les for their love and leadership through the most difficult moments of Dad’s final days.
In lieu of flowers, you may donate to the Beausejour Health Centre Patio Project. We hope this project will honour his love for the sounds of the birds chirping and the wind blowing (and of course, some peace and quiet to enjoy a cigarette).
Never the centre of attention, Mike did not wish to have a funeral, service, or similar “big ordeal”. As Dad would say, “put a smile on you pylon… let’s blow this popsicle stand!”
Offer Condolence for the family of Michael James Adey

Susan Glad
You captured your father succinctly in this piece. Mike was a gentle soul and well loved! May he rest in peace ❤️
Mike and Susan Glad
So many fond memories of Mike in my younger days- not sure you kids want to hear this, but he was HOT!!- wonderful sense of humor and loved family and friends with his whole heart!! Sincere condolences to you,your family and all that were lucky enough to have him in your life
Leslie Josus
Our sincere condolences to Mike’s family and friends. He could always make you smile.
Leslie Josus and Shawn Stojko
Terrace Bay, On
Melody Mateev
Our sincere condolences to the whole family, I remember his younger days always smiling. Rest in Peace
Gaetane Chicoine
Alison, Martin and Erin, Such a beautiful obituary and all true. I’m so sorry your dad has been taken so soon. I’m glad we got together during his visits out here over the last few years and enjoyed Mike’s quick wit and hilarious sense of humour as always. He so loved being with you and your children. His time as “pop pop” was too short. Gone too soon, he’ll be greatly missed. Rest in peace Mike, and don’t worry, we’ll never run out of ketchup.
Mary Bourke
So very sorry to learn about Mike’s passing. I only knew Mike for a very short time in Grade 13 Math classes. He was also so up and happy and funny. Certainly someone you never forget no matter how many years have passed.
Mary …
Connor Mitchell
I have so many good memories when I was younger with Uncle Mike. Every year we would go up to the broke head cabin to spend time with Mike, Ali, Martin, and Erin. We would go golfing every year and I remember him always telling me “mini swing is king” which still holds true for me to this day when I’m out on the course. He always was saying something that would make me laugh, and always cooking us up hot dogs on the fire. And how can I forget when it was time to go to bed Uncle Mike making a bed frame out of empty beer bottles in the boxes and throwing a mattress on top of it. I’m so sorry for your guy’s loss and Rest in Peace Uncle Mike!
Lori Tresoor
Erin, Martin and Alison….your dad was a lot of things and he raised you all into amazing human beings. The hardest part of losing someone you love so much is just how much they are missed. Sending you warm hugs in your time of loss ❤️
Debbie Beger
I was stunned to see Mikes Obit in the paper today.. I have known Mike since 1983 here in Beausejour .. When I met him working at The Gov’t Building with Probation Services thru Gaetane.. I have been working at Guardian Pharmacy for the last 7-8 years and seen Mike periodically when he came in… We Always had a chat and he always said ..with A Big Smile ..”Hey .. Kiddo!! How are you doing ? Even though I was just over the crest of 60 myself. Mike Always had a Smile even on the not Soo Great Days and Always had time for a quick chat .. last time I seen Mike would have been a little over 2 weeks ago here in the store and our pharmacy .. I Sure Wish that I knew … that is the hard part of losing someone be it a friend or family member is not being able to say that last Goodbye.. or knowing when it is .. Rest Easy Mike We will Miss Seeing You.. Condolences to Mikes Family, he talked about you with Soo much Love in his Heart, and Mikes Friends ❤️. Debbie
Sue Antymis
My deepest condolences to Mike’s family and friends. I had the great opportunity to have met Mike many years ago. I thought that he had the greatest sense of humour and I have never forgotten how much fun it was being around him. I am so sorry for you loss.
Craig MacArthur
Mike & I bonded over our love of Bob Dylan’s music. I never knew anyone who could quote a line as quickly, accurately and more appropriately than Mike. We were colleagues at Westburne Supply in Thunder Bay and they were some of the most rewarding [to say nothing for fun] years in my 39 year career. And it wasn’t just the work: The after-hours dart matches were legendary. He was always in a good mood, and when things went off the rails with a customer, his attitude was simply “this is an opportunity, not a problem.” We stayed in touch, perhaps not as often as I would have liked because, unlike Mike and myself, Bob Dylan has never retired and so we always had something to talk about. After my mother passed, I turned to leave the service and Mike was the 1st person I saw, paying his respects. His kindness at that time is something I’ll never forget. Deepest condolences to all of Mike’s family and friends; I know you will all have many memories to comfort you at this difficult time. R.I.P my friend. “Just remember, death is not the end – Bob Dylan”
Tim gauthier
I was saddened to hear Mike has passed
Claudette Boudreau Rowland
How absolutely wonderful to have known him back in the day and to know the trajectory of this blazing star carries on and on!
Rick Ball
To Mikes Family and Friends I offer my deepest. Condolences. Mike was a great friend during his time at WESTBURNE and was my go to guy for projects. Mike could a fix a problem better than anyone in the industry and always with a joke
We had many lunch meetings at Kelsey’s and I recall giving him 3 large orders on a cocktail napkin that he took to his boss with a smile
His jokes and hospitality was legendary
I will miss him very much
What a beautiful eulogy. He was a great friend and colleague. We enjoyed many great times together in Thunder Bay. He will be greatly missed. My Deepest condolences. Gary Prezio.
Jeff Vincent
I have known Mike for many years. He came to work for me at Westburne in an apprenticeship role and never looked back. I hired him again to work for me at BA and Mike excelled looking after industrial customers. I have many great stories that resulted from things Mike said or did. He had “a guy” for everything whether you needed a new car or a desk for your office. He always had a positive attitude and was a great coworker and friend. Rest in peace Mike. You have earned it.
Fritz Friesen
I got to know Mike first as a distributor of mine and then as a coworker when he joined ABB. His innovative ideas won many sales orders. He loved recounting his favourite ones to those of us who would listen.
The innovation combined with his sense of humour made him fun to watch when he was in action. The one liners and humour were his way communicating. He always had a comeback and was seldom at a loss for words.
He spoke of his family often and was very proud of al their accomplishments. Rest in peace my friend.
Brenda Chapman
I knew Mike in high school and am saddened to hear of his death, but it’s so good to hear that he had so many wonderful people in his life. My deepest condolences to his family – I can see that he passed along his sense of fun and humour to his children. Mike was a kind and gentle soul with a rebel spirit back in the day. I remember him and those years with deep fondness.
Richard Petrus
Oh, the laughs we had with Mike in high school and “after hours”. He was an especially memorable person and we all appreciated his sense of humor. One of a kind…..
Mike, My friend you live now in our memories. You and my dad going over the Canadian Tire flyer on sat mornings; telling my mom the tomato plant in the picture window is actually marijuana; trying to burn rubber in your mom’s Pinto; and later having a couple with your dad with him telling us med school stories. I was recently in a church that had the prime meridian running through it and we had just spoken over the phone; you were “heavy on my mind” but all I could think was what you’d say in your Yosemite Sam voice “The world she’s a flat”; a classic line. I thought we had a few more years left. You will always live on with me and Carol. Ali, Martin, Erin, Les, and Cathy, I grieve with you and you have Carol and I’s condolences. Best obituary I’ve ever read, so real and true. Loved your dad and brother. Raymond
Shirley Malashewski
Deepest Condolences to Mikes Family & Friends
Rest in Peace
Terrace Bay
Ralph Regis
What a wonderful write up on Mike. He certainly was a joy to know. My condolences to his children and family.
Catherine (Weberg) Hart
Charm and wit. His trademark traits, along with a magnetic personality. Although I haven’t seen Mike for many, many years I will always remember his dazzling smile and infectious laughter. He was truly a bright spark in this world. A joy to have known, one never to forget. His family, in particular his dad Dr. Adey and his youngest sister Leslie were so very kind to me when I was a teenager.
My sincere condolences to his children, his sisters Cathy and Leslie, and his family.
Mike Gauley
Haven’t seen Mike since the Fall of 1985, but it was memorable. Friends from college (Conestoga Radio and TV) I went on to University and was heading to western Manitoba to begin teaching. On the way, I had to stop in to Beausejour to visit Mike. Even though we hadn’t seen each other for several years, he treated me to a night on the town, ending with staying over at his place. Funny as the day was long, Mike always had time for all. At a recent get together in May, we talked about our efforts to find Mike and stories about him. I hope his ears were burning. Godspeed, Mike! One of the great ones is gone. Farewell, old friend. Bowling for dollars forever! ❤️♂️
Karen Marshall Spencer
I was so sad to hear of Mike’s passing. My condolences to my old friend Lesley & family. My thoughts are with you.
-Karen Marshall
John Yost
Mike was valued friend and member of the class of 81 Broadcasting Conestoga College. We still get together every year and trade Adey stories and they get bigger and better every year. For over 40 years we have tried to track Mike down with know luck until now. What a brilliant obituary, captured Mike as we remembered him and glad to hear how he lived his life. Not only did he love Dylan but John Prine. Go live this song now Mike. We wish we could have connected with you. Condolences to his family and many friends. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0EiV423j0M
Mary Garofalo
Mike was part of our crazy Conestoga College Radio and Television class. I was truly blessed to know him and love him. He was one of the funniest and kindest people I’ve ever known. Not one for frills, Mike lived in a little apartment in Kitchener and when he invited me over for dinner, he would always make me a toasted salmon sandwich and tomato soup (his favorite meal). At the time, he did not own a toaster so always the innovator, Mike took a metal clothing hanging, folded it in half and placed in on the stove. He would put a piece bread on the hanger and voila, toast! Over the years our class would get together once a year for a small reunion and inevitably someone would ask, “has anyone found Adey yet?”
We all tried to locate him for many years, without luck. To have found him this way is beyond heartbreaking for all of us. To Mikes wonderful family, please accepted my deepest condolences and always remember how much he was loved.
“Behind every beautiful thing there’s been some kind of pain.”
– Bob Dylan