1914 ~ 2014
On the morning of April 1, 2014, God gently released our beloved mum from her physical body and took her home. We, her very blessed daughters, Jean Pelland and Roberta Mitchell, held her in our arms as we said goodbye. Anxious to welcome her home were the angels who had been waiting for her: her much-loved parents, Thomas (1964) and Mary (1984) Vickers, our wonderful dad, Cece Cook, (1974), Mum’s precious granddaughter, Lisa Mitchell (2005), her second husband, Bill MacLeod (2008), and too recently, her son-in-law, Paul Pelland (March 17, 2014). Also mourning her passing are son-in-law, Les Mitchell, Bill’s children, Sandy MacLeod (Maija) and Bonnie Lenton (Paul) and their families and Mum’s beloved grandchildren: Jeremy and Brieanne Pelland, Scott Mitchell (Lauren) and great grandchild, Aaron Mitchell whom she had to wait for until she was 98 years old!
Although our mum had been living and partly living for several years, we were still able to touch her sweet face, hold her warm hands, and enjoy her feisty nature. We were blessed to have our mum for 100 years, 1 month, and 13 days, and her long life spoiled us. We felt like she would be with us forever, and we will miss her with our whole hearts.
We will celebrate Mum’s life on a very significant day in April. On April 17, it will have been 40 years since we said goodbye to our dad. It seems fitting that we say our final goodbye to our mum on that day, as well. Cremation has taken place.
A longer obituary with funeral details will appear in the Winnipeg Free Press and this website on Saturday, April 12, 2014.
Offer Condolence for the family of Mary Scobie Smith (Cook) MacLeod

Marlene Tanaka (nee Stowell)
After 47 years I can still envision Mrs.Cook bringing Shakespeare to life with passion and enthusiasm. She was a truly gifted teacher who instilled in me a love of language and of learning. When I became a teacher I many times found myself emulating her and setting the same high standards for my students that she set for us. I remember that she always wore high heels with her outfits generally accompanied by a string of beads. A number of years ago we had the opportunity to return to Pine Falls and have tea with Mrs. Cook. It was no surprise to see her wearing both high heels and beads, although she was wearing pants and not the usual dress that I had remembered. What a treasured memory is that time of tea with her and discussing things on a “teacher to teacher” level. She had great impact and will be missed. I am happy to have had her influence.