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Gustav Fiebelkorn

Posted By Sobering Funeral Chapel On November 12, 2020 @ 3:22 pm In Obituaries | 3 Comments


It is with great sadness we announce the passing of our brother, brother in-law , uncle and friend, Gus Fiebelkorn at East Gate Lodge Personal Care Home on November 11, 2020.

He was predeceased by his parents, William and Natalia Fiebelkorn, brother Roy and wives Mary and Eleanor Fiebelkorn.  Sister Lilly and brother in law Ed Borkowsky,  sister Christine and brother in law Alfred Borkowsky, brother Carl and sister in law Rose, sister Gladys Neurenberg, sister Merceda Smith and brother in law Victor Worona.  He is survived by his sister Agnes Worona, brother in law Ed Neurenberg, brother in law Ron Smith and by numerous nieces and nephews and dear friends.  

Gus was born in Friedensfeld Manitoba.  As a young boy the family moved to a new homestead in Glenfields Manitoba.  Growing up he helped on the farm and when he got older he worked in the bush for a few year like most young men at that time. Later on Gus bought his own farm near the family homestead.  He farmed for a number of years.  While farming he also worked at a Peat Moss plant east of Beausejour.  He retired and sold his farm  and moved to Beausejour.  When he lived in Beausejour Gus would go for walks, especially to Cryplywy Park.  when the chokecherries and saskatoons were ready he would pick pailfulls  and make juice, lots of juice.  He always said the juice was good for you. He loved going fishing with his friends and cousins.  He had the largest fishing box that weighed a ton with fishing lures for every type of fish and water condition.  Gus also loved going on road trips with his friends and his trusty movie camera was always at his side.  He had movies of trips to the States and parts of Manitoba and movies of family functions.  Gus loved music.  He taught himself to play guitar and would play for family and friends every chance he got. Gus was a friendly and happy-go-lucky guy and everyone was his friend.

A special, heart felt thank you to the nursing staff on the Shamrock Unit at East Gate Lodge Personal Care Home for their special care over the past four years.   

Due to Covid 19 a private family funeral will be held.


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Condolences for the family of “Gustav Fiebelkorn”

Condolence from Len & Lynette Kowalke on November 13th, 2020 4:45 pm

Karen & all Gus’ s family,
We are sorry for your loss, but rejoicing with Gus that he was finally called to “Go Home”, as he would say. That was his hearts desire for the last few years, when so many others were going before him. He will be missed by many, he was always such a friendly person. You will find comfort in the wonderful memories he left behind. Peace to all of you, Len & Lynette Kowalke

Condolence from Miranda Romanyshyn on November 16th, 2020 8:02 am

Karen and the Fiebelkorn family

My condolences on your loss of Gus. I remember when he used to come to my Grandparents store in Lowland when I was a kid. Then at East Gate where his room was across from my dads. Gus would always smile and wave. We had many visits and he always looked forward to the treats I would bring him. When dad passed I told Gus I would come back and visit but then Covid set in and with the restrictions I never did get back there to see him. Gus has now gone home which is where he wanted to be. Rest Peacefully Gus.

Condolence from Roman hrychany on July 8th, 2021 2:28 pm

Our condolences. He was a happy go lucky wonderful man and a great friend to my dad Roman Hrychany. They had many wonderful times together playing music

Article printed from Sobering Funeral Chapel & Crematorium: https://diligent-fuel.flywheelsites.com

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