1920 ~ 2018
C’est avec tristesse que nous annonçons le décès d’Eugénie Marie Vincent, le 6 juin 2018 à l’âge de 98 ans.
Elle laisse dans le deuil ses enfants Ronald, Diane (Edgar Dubé), ses sept petits-enfants Angélique (Ubald Fisette), John Coss (Shauna), Connie (Lance Westgate), Marc (Elaine), Candace (Marc Coté), Trisha et Jolene ainsi que douze arrière-petits-enfants et quatre arrière-arrière-petits enfants.
Elle laisse aussi dans le deuil, sa sœur Antoinette Vincent, ses belles-sœurs Rosa, Thérèse, et Alma; ses beaux-frères Jean, Fernand (Marge), Sylvio, Rodolphe (Jeannette); et de nombreux neveux et nièces qui l’ont chérie fortement!
Ceux et celles qui connaissaient Eugénie se souviendront toujours de son jolie sourire, sa tendresse, sa générosité, de son dévouement à sa famille, à l’église et à la communauté ainsi que de ses nombreux talents tels que la couture et le jardinage.
La famille désire remercier le personnel de l’Hôpital régional de Selkirk pour les soins sans pareil offerts à Eugénie au cours de son séjour.
Si désiré, un don à la mémoire d’Eugénie peut être offert à la Société historique St. Georges Historical Society Inc. (www.winnipegrivermuseum.com) ou à la Paroisse de Saint-Georges-Fonds du cimetière.
Les funérailles auront lieu le samedi, 9 juin 2018 à 11heures à l’Église Saint-Georges. Les prières se feront d’avance à 10h30.
Eugénie Marie Vincent of Saint-Georges, MB died peacefully with her family by her side at the age of 98 on June 6, 2018.
She was predeceased by her husband, Edgar (2005); her children, Paul (1938), Liliane Coss (1978) and Richard (2001); her parents Elzéar and Rose-Alma Boulet and her siblings Alice, Joseph, Wilfrid, Olivier, Roland, Paul, Maria, Victor et Gabrielle.
She leaves to mourn her sister Antoinette Vincent, her children Ronald and Diane (Edgar), her seven grandchildren; Angélique (Ubald), John (Shauna), Connie (Lance), Marc (Elaine), Candace (Marc), Trisha & Jolene as well as twelve great-grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren.
Eugénie was born on May 2, 1920 in Storthoaks, SK.
Her family moved to St. Georges in 1924 where she went to school and eventually established her household upon marrying Edgar in October, 1937. She lived in the same house until the day she had to be admitted to Selkirk Regional Hospital on May 28, 2018. Eugénie was the eldest of ten children and was renowned for her hard work, good taste, eye for detail as well as talented seamstress and quilter who had a passion for gardening, cooking, photography and travelling.
She was also a gracious hostess who loved to entertain her family and friends for every birthday, holiday, weekend family get-togethers and Friday card parties with friends.
She will be remembered for her devotion to her community, her faith, and especially to her family, as she was always a kind, generous and loving mother and grand-mother.
Mom, Mémère will be greatly missed, always cherished and forever remembered in our hearts.
The family would like to thank the staff at Selkirk Regional Hospital for their excellent care, kindness and understanding.
The funeral service will be held at 11:00 a.m. at the Saint-Georges Catholic Church, on June 9, 2018. Prayers will be said at 10:30 a.m.
In lieu of flowers, donations in her memory would be graciously accepted by the St-Georges Historical Society Inc. (www.winnipegrivermuseum.com) or by the St. Georges Parish – Cemetery Fund.
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