1957 ~ 2012
It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Christine Schuhmann on Saturday, May 19, 2012 at home surrounded by her loved ones. Christine is survived by her loving husband Hermann, parents Hans and Elisabeth Burkhard, her sister Silvia (Hans Sutter) and mother in-law Ida Schuhmann. She will be greatly missed by her extended family Maria (Wolfgang), Kilian (Edith), Wendelin (Astrid), Siegfried (Barbara), Lissy (Otto) and Engelbert (Britton) and her nephew and nieces: Michael, Nicole, Nadine, Daniela and Vicky.
Christine was born on February 20, 1957 in Lengnau, Bern, Switzerland. At the age of 24, Christine moved to Montreal with her parents, where they operated Christine’s Exclusive Shoes. After the business was sold, she worked as a receptionist at a Car Rental business and after that as an accountant at Titanium Ltd. Despite her busy work schedule, Christine still found time to sing in her church. As fate would have it, this is where Hermann heard the voice of an angel and on June 1 of 1991, they were married. They moved to Elma, MB where they set up H & C Electronics. Never one to sit still, Christine also worked as a Health Care Aid, Medical Receptionist and Doctor’s Assistant from 1992 until December, 2011 at the Whitemouth District Health Centre. At the same time, Christine established herself as a professional singer and toured North America and Europe.
Throughout her many years of dedicated service in the clinic, Christine has been an inspiration around the world touching countless lives with her kindness, compassion and beautiful angelic voice.
We are so grateful for the overwhelming outpouring of support from family, friends and this community. A special Thank You goes out to Betty and Louise for their sincere dedication to Christine and her loved ones in those last couple days.
Funeral arrangements were made for Saturday, May 26 at 11:00 a.m. at Sobering Funeral Chapel, 1035 Park Avenue E., Beausejour, MB. After the service, interment was in the Whitemouth Lutheran Cemetery, followed by a celebration of Christine’s life at the Whitemouth Hall.
Offer Condolence for the family of Christine Schuhmann

Bob Olynyk
God Always Blesses us Personally, with His Never Ending Love and Grace. One of My personal Blessings was the day that I met Christine and Hermann. We became instant friends and over the years shared God’s Love between us. Christine, with her God Given Voice and Her deep Love of God within her always Shared with these with everyone she met. Titled “The Voice of an Angel”, Christine Blessed thousands of people singing to the world and Praising her Heavenly Father for all Her Blessings. Her charm, Her,mannerism, Her smile, and Her voice were all filled with her Faith and Gratitude towards Her Father God. Now, we have to open our own personal Memory Treasure Chests and be strong as this is what Christine would want us to do. To take care of ourselves and of each other, now and always. This was the Christine way. The way God ment it to be. Thank-you Christine for the Blessings that we shared over the years and I anxiously await the day when I too will join family, friends and You, at the Final Supper Table, at our Heavenly Home.
Your Friend Always Bob Olynyk
Host http://www.gospelmusicfestivals.com
“The Web-site With a Complete Ministry”
(Visit Christine on the above web-site:
click on to: “Prayer Power”. By popular demand, this was “Her Page”. I am not saying good bye now, I am saying,
” Until we meet again”. Bob
Patricia Gulenchyn
Whenever you would go to the doctor’s office,Christine would greet you with her wonderful smile.She has a voice of an angel and hope she keeps singing in heaven. You will be greatly missed by all. Rest in peace Christine.
Tannis,Joe & Phoenix Machado
Christine has always been the most friendly,kind,compassionate,thoughtful & loving person we’ve ever had the honour of knowing.Our hearts are broken,never to be the same again without Christine in our lives.We have all been blessed to have known her & will always keep her in our memory.She is now an angel watching over us all.We love you Christine!
Love Tannis,Joe & Phoenix
Theresa Solomon Zabolotny
I am so sorry to hear of your loss of Christine. They say that time heals all wounds, but, to loose the loss of someone you love so much is one of the biggest wounds of all, but I think God must have some big plans for her up there, he must have something planned for her, as she was too young to go right now. Please think that and all the good things that the two of you did in all your years together..lots of love..Theresa Solomon Zabolotny and the rest of the Solomon Girls
Gitta Margarita Moery Fehr
Just would like to send my deepest condolences from the bottom of my heart.
Although we didn’t know each other for a very long period yet Christine was like a friend I seem to have known for ages and I’ m ever so happy having been able to make aquaintanship with a wonderful, generous, kind and warm hearted person like her. Thank you Christine and Hermann.
A friend of mine wraped it in these very special and yet encouraging words “God our father needs to bee surrounded by kind and friendly people too that are full of love and he enjoys to hear a beautiful angelic voice!” That’s why he wanted to have Christine at his side and I’ m sure she will do well near him! By, by my angelic friend, I will never forget you!
With all my love Gitta
Janice Sayer
Herman, I am so sorry for your loss and my prayers are with you. I barely knew Christine even though we worked for the same organization…but she would periodically call me for help with her computer or software and it didn’t matter how bad a day I was having, her kind words and caring, gentle manner always made me feel appreciated, I will truly miss her.
josefine rosner
Marlene & Glenn Prosser
Rest in Peace Christine
I met christine at the german pentecostal church in lachine que. we even performed twice a duet together in front of the church–i will never forget that moment –i was very proud to sing with her, she was a wonderful person that had a great smile and a loving heart. I will never forget you christine,you will live in my heart forever.May GOD’S GOODNESS and MERCY SHINE over you and keep you in his protecting arms. You are now in his loving care i will not say goodbye because i will see you again at the wedding supper with our lord.there we will rejoice together forever and ever—can’t wait
RUTH and Juergen Hahn send our Neverending LOVE to FAMILY —GOD be with you ALL.
Chris Hurni
Wenn man einen geliebten Menschen verliert,
gewinnt man einen Schutzengel dazu.
Rest in Peace Christine
Marianna und Hans Radomski
Lieber Herrman, unseren Herzlichen Beileid
an Dir und an Die ganze Familie.
Christine wird immer sein in unseren
Gedanken, Sie war und bleibt für uns das
Süße Mädel mit die Engel Stimme,
wir vermissen Sie so sehr.
Marlene Mendoza
My deepest condolences to Hermann and all of Christine’s family. Christine and I would talk on the phone for a long time about hopes and dreams. I wish she was here to share more of them now, but I have a strong feeling she’s still around until we all meet her again in Heaven. Christine you can be anywhere you want now. I miss your sweet voice on the phone. Love, your friend, Marlene
Charlotte Nichol
A silent thought, a secret tear,
Keeps her memory ever dear.
Times eases the edge of grief,
Memory turns back every leaf.
There is a link death cannot sever,
Love and remembrance last forever.
R.I.P Christine in God’s Loving Hands!
marlene oussoren
So so sorry to hear of Christine’s passing. Her angelic voice and heartfelt compassion will never be forgotten. The annual Christmas gathering for WPCH residents, family and friends where we first heard Chritine’s amazing voice will remain one of our joyest memories.
Love, Marlene and Faye and Dianne(daughters and granddaughter of a former resident of the Whitemouth Personal Care Home,now deceased, Louise Hogue).
Heidi und Bernd Luz
Lieber Hermann und Familie, nochmals moechten wir Euch unser tiefstes Beileid ausprechen fuer den Verlust Eurer und unserer geliebten Christine.
Sie war ein Engel auf dieser Erde und wir werden sie alle sehr vermissen mit ihrer Engelsstimme.Nun ist sie in einer schoeneren Welt ohne Schmerzen und kann mit den Engeln singen. Aber sie wird immer in unseren Herzen bleiben mit ihrer wunderschoenen Engelstimme und Lieder.
Ja, es ist immer schwer einen geliebten Menschen zu verlieren, ganz besonders schlimm ist es weil ihre Krankheit nicht schon vorher erkannt wurde.
Lieber Hermann wir denken so oft an Dich, denn Dein ganzes Leben ist auseinandergefallen und es kann Dir keiner Helfen, ausser Deinem strengen Glauben und Deiner Liebe zu Christine. Sie wird immer bei Dir sein, in schlechten und guten Stunden und Dich troesten. Du musst sehr stark bleiben und darfst Deinen Glauben an Gott nicht verlieren, denn er ist unser fester Stein und wenn wir an Ihn glauben wird er uns troesten und Kraft geben.
Lieber Hermann wir werden Dich und
Deinen Engel Christine immer in unseren Gebeten haben und hoffen es gibt Dir ein bischen Hoffnung, dass Du die Kraft nicht verliest in der naechsten Zeit.
Mit viel Liebe aus Calgary und schweren Herzen Deine (Eure) Freunde Heidi und Bernd
Ruth Lechleitner
As a new immigrant from Switzerland, I met Christine the second week I was in Canada. I had seen an add in the paper about a shoe store that carried my size and went to check it out. I was warmly greeted by Christine and she showed me some shoes. When Christine went back to get my size, I heard her say to her parents “Sie isch au a Schwitzeri”, and that was the start of a long friend ship with Christine, a wonderful woman who gave the love of God freely to others. She lived out what the Bible teaches us about loving everybody as Jesus loves us. With her angelic voice she served the Lord and blessed countless people. I will pray that God may ease the pain for Herman and Christine’s extended family. Love Ruth and family
Mary Holden - Ross
I am sitting here listening to her beautiful voice remembering all the times I left her a small note at work on her typewriter. In the afternoon I would go to my locker and sure enough Christine would have come down to the other end of the building and I would have a note in my locker. Christine and I would often go for lunch and we had a real girl giggle time, I sure cherish those times. I sure do miss you my dear friend, love you forever your friend Mary